The Quayles

The Quayles
Our Family

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Starting the blog!

So i have finally decided to cave and create a blog! There is just so many new things happening in our lives I thought it might be nice to have somewhere to record it. Brandon and I have been married for 6 months already! It is just an amazing feeling to be married to your best friend and partner. We work so well together keeping this family going. Braxton is turning into such an awesome young man! We just had his parent teacher conference and he did so well. He is so super smart just a bit of a chatterbox she said ( I wonder where he gets that from). He is starting baseball and we all cant wait to go watch his games. Kayson is growing so fast! It really doesnt seem like he should be 10 months. Uuuggg where does the time go. This kid has such a personality. He has just enough Mom and just enough Dad in him and boy what a combination ; ) He is everywhere and just the other day he took his 1st steps on his own. The cheesy grin he makes everytime he walks is priceless. He is talking up a storm saying Mamama and Dadada and bubba. Its the best thing in the world to watch this little guy grow! Brax 1st baseball practice is Tuesday ill let ya know how it goes!


  1. Yeah, I am so excited that you caved!! You can thank me later;) The best part is that you can print your blog into a book and have as a journal!

  2. Yay Kathy! So neat you started a blog! I've been thinking about doing a family blog too but my food blog keeps me pretty busy in itself : )
